Tamil & Sanskrit - Sanskrit & Tamil
In reality, no one knows which is the original/oldest language. If that can be proved then many a problems related to language fight will vanish. But unfortunately no clear-cut evidence is found to prove that. Neither Sanskrit in all its forms is the original language nor so is Tamil in all its forms. Both the languages, along with other primitive languages like Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Chinese etc. are cognate/sister languages. They co-existed and shared their experiences with each other. In the process of their growth and development each language lost something and added something to its richness.
There are many elements which Sanskrit has lost but Tamil has preserved. Tamil has lost but Sanskrit has preserved. Sanskrit and Tamil both have lost but Chinese has preserved, or Greek and Latin have preserved. The birth of many languages are the result of the original language suffering from detrition, collapse and change. This gives birth to innumerable languages, dialects and vernaculars. But none of these languages is the original language. But compared to thousands of languages, most of the primitive languages like Tamil, Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Hebrew etc. have preserved much of the elements of the original language.
A careful study/observation of the nature of all these languages shows that among all the existing primitive languages, the language that is used in the Vedas as well as the Sanskrit of the classical age, both have preserved much of the force, spirit, purity, transparency, simplicity, flexibility and directness of the original language. The original working system of the etymons or simple root-sounds that is found in both these languages is not found in any of the other primitive languages.
Tamil on the other hand, has maintained its spoken form right from the beginning till today, which Sanskrit has lost and is trying hard to revive. But, both the languages, the speakers of both the languages, have contributed, though not equally, but immensely towards building the beautiful culture of Bharatavarsha.
In stead fighting over which is older and which later, if more attention is given to the richness of the contents and the values presented in both the languages, it will be of a great help in rebuilding the Akhanda Bharata, the land of Truth and Harmony.
-Sampadananda Mishra