समाज samāja — The Ideal Society: Where Unity, Freedom, Knowledge, and Power Converge
The quest for an ideal society, one that embodies harmony, equality, and a collective pursuit of knowledge and power, has been a timeless endeavor of humanity. The word समाज samāja, with its roots in Sanskrit, encapsulates the very essence of an ideal society, where Unity, Freedom, Knowledge, and Power harmoniously coexist.
Let’s understand the two components which form the word the समाज samāja.
सम (sama) — Unity, Equality, Harmony:
At the heart of समाज samāja lies सम (sama), representing unity, equality, and harmony. In an ideal society, unity prevails among its members, transcending barriers of caste, creed, and ethnicity. It fosters a sense of togetherness, where individuals work collectively for the greater good, regardless of their differences. Such unity is the cornerstone of societal progress, enabling us to face challenges as a cohesive force.
Equality is another vital aspect of सम (sama). In an ideal society, every individual is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their socio-economic status or background. It promotes a sense of fairness, where opportunities and resources are distributed equitably, fostering a level playing field for all.
Harmony is the fruit of unity and equality, where individuals coexist peacefully, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life forms. A harmonious society ensures that diverse voices are heard, leading to balanced and sustainable growth.
अज् (aj) — Progression and Flourishing:
The root-sound अज् (aj) in Sanskrit means to move, to propel. This signifies progress, motion, and advancement. In an ideal society, its members are driven by a common purpose, continuously moving forward towards collective growth and prosperity. This pursuit of progress is not limited to material gains but encompasses spiritual, emotional, and intellectual development as well.
Also if we take the prefixes सम् meaning togetherness, integrality, perfection, and आ meaning all inclusiveness as the primary components added to the root sound अज् in the word समाज, then the meaning of the word समाज indicates an all inclusive, harmonious marching forward for the progress evolution is the real purpose of the collective life in a society.
Unity, Freedom, Knowledge, and Power in समाज samāja:
The ideal society is the vehicle of the indwelling Godhead of a human aggregate, the chariot for the journey of Jagannath. Unity, Freedom, Knowledge and Power constitute the four wheels of this chariot.
-Sri Aurobindo
Unity (ऐक्यम् aikyam):
Unity is the foundational principle of an ideal समाज samāja. It refers to the state of harmony and oneness among its members. Unity here refers to the collective consciousness of the society being aligned with the indwelling Godhead. When individuals in the society recognize their interconnected-ness and work together towards common goals, it fosters an environment of love, compassion, and cooperation. Unity also implies that differences, while acknowledged, are not a source of division but rather enrich the fabric of the society.
All human beings are of the same divine origin and meant to manifest upon earth the unity of this origin. -The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Freedom (स्वातन्त्र्यम् svātantryam):
In समाज samāja, freedom is not just a mere concept but a lived reality. Nor does it mean the absence of external constraints. In a deeper sense it includes the idea of spiritual liberation and self-realization. Individuals are free to express their thoughts, beliefs, and creativity without fear of repression or discrimination. It is true that freedom of choice and expression empowers individuals to contribute to society in their unique ways, fostering a culture of inclusivity and acceptance, but in order to experience true freedom individuals must strive to realize their own divine nature. One must remember that the indwelling Divine is inherently free. Therefore, freedom must not be just about personal desires but is deeply connected to the pursuit of higher truths and a sense of purpose beyond materialistic concerns. In an ideal society, individuals have the freedom to grow spiritually and intellectually, ultimately leading to a greater understanding of themselves and their place in the cosmos.
Freedom does not come from outer circumstances but from inner liberation. Find your soul, unite with it, let it govern your life and you will be free. -The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Knowledge (ज्ञानम् jñānam):
Knowledge is a crucial wheel in the chariot of an ideal society. It refers to both intellectual and spiritual knowledge -aparā and parā vidyā. Intellectual knowledge encompasses the pursuit of learning, science, art, philosophy, and other forms of knowledge that contribute to the advancement of the society. Spiritual knowledge involves understanding the nature of the divine and the higher realities that transcend the material world. Emphasis on knowledge encourages the society to question, explore, and expand its understanding, leading to collective growth and progress. An ideal society thrives on the pursuit of knowledge. It values education and lifelong learning, recognizing that knowledge is the foundation for progress and enlightenment.
True knowledge is precisely knowledge by identity, and wisdom is the state one attains when one is in this true knowledge. -The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Power (सामर्थ्यम् sāmarthyam):
Power here is not about domination or control over others. Instead, it denotes the responsible and righteous use of individual and collective abilities to serve the greater good. The indwelling Divinity represents the source of all power, and the ideal society must strive to manifest this divine power in positive and constructive ways. This power then becomes a means to protect the vulnerable, promote justice, and uplift the entire society. In an ideal समाज samāja, each of its members endeavours to manifest this power.
Power means strength and force, Shakti, which enables one to face all that can happen and to stand and overcome, also to carry out what the Divine Will proposes. It can include many things, power over men, events, circumstances, means etc. But all this not of the mental or vital kind, but by an action through unity of consciousness with the Divine and with all things and all beings. It is not an individual-strength depending on certain personal capacities, but the Divine Power using the individual as an instrument. -Sri Aurobindo
समाज samāja is not a mere word; it represents a vision of the ideal society, where Unity, Freedom, Knowledge, and Power intertwine to create a harmonious and progressive existence. As we reflect on the profound meanings embedded in Sanskrit, let us strive to actualize the essence of समाज samāja in our lives and communities.
By embracing unity, equality, and harmony, we can build bridges of understanding and compassion, breaking down barriers that divide us. The pursuit of knowledge and freedom empowers us to evolve as individuals and contribute meaningfully to the collective growth of society. Lastly, by becoming conscious of the inherent unity within ourselves, we can create a society where the well-being of all is prioritized (sarvabhutahita).
Let us draw inspiration from समाज samāja and work together towards the realization of an ideal society, where the values of unity, freedom, knowledge, and power converge to create a world that thrives in harmony and progress.
The ideal society or State is that in which respect for individual liberty and free growth of the personal being to his perfection is harmonised with respect for the needs, efficiency, solidarity, natural growth and organic perfection of the corporate being, the society or nation. In an ideal aggregate of all humanity, in the international society or State, national liberty and free national growth and self-realisation ought in the same way to be progressively harmonised with the solidarity and unified growth and perfection of the human race. — Sri Aurobindo
-Sampadananda Mishra